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New Registrations

This form allows you to Register to Buy or Sell Records on Soulbid. You must enter accurate data. The information you enter will be checked for validity and stored in a secure database. By submitting this registration you are confirming your willingness for Soulbid to use the email address/addresses supplied below for service of documents and other correspondence to you.


Used to track your post and identify you on Soulbid.

E-Mail Address:

Must be valid as all contact with you as either a Buyer or Seller will be made through this address.

Contact Information:

Please fill this form in accurately, Registrations with missing fields and bogus information will be removed.

First Name:


Street Address:

Town or City:

County or State:

Postcode or Zipcode:


A telephone number is taken for Administration purposes only and will not be divulged to other Soulbid users.

Telephone number:

PayPal Payments:

Please enter the email address you wish to use to collect PayPal payments.


Please choose a Security Question from the drop-down list.


Please click the radio button to acknowledge that you have read the Terms & Conditions document, including the Privacy statement, then click Register Me.

  Yes, I have read the Terms & Conditions document including the Privacy statement

An email will be sent to you with a link to enter your password, please follow the link and complete the form. Please be patient after clicking the Register Me button. Registration may take a few moments.
Your email address is never directly visible to the internet, making it harder to be picked up by web robots or email harvesters. The security of the information you send to Soulbid is important to us. The entire site operates within a fully encrypted SSL environment as denoted by the lock symbol and https:// in the URL bar of your browser.
The site is certificated by: Let's Encrypt

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